Polished Ports are rare.


(Polished Portlight Example)
I do make screens that fit Cape Dorys with the uncommon factory polished ports. These ports have very smooth surfaces with no pits or pebble ridges. The old plastic screens fit these ports with large gaps between the port tabs. Standard screens will fit these ports but with similar gaps which is more then I like. The Navigator screens are a wee bit bigger to make up for the material that was removed during the polishing process. Since Spartan polished each port by hand, there are inconsistencies between ports so the screen I make to fit is a best compromise.
Polished portlights are not very common and are mainly found on later models, CD36’s and longer.
If you think you have polished ports, call or Email me and we can discuss it.
John Danicic
(612) 308-2994

(Polished Portlight Example)

sail boat port light insect screens